Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Soccer...Who would have thought?

I am so proud to say that my daughter...yes, my very own daughter is good at soccer! Who would have thought considering I only played for a whopping TWO weeks when I was younger. She must take after her father...who I have been told was really good at this game. I am thrilled to see her score goals and run with aggression. Side note, at this age the girls kick butt and the boys cry! I told Aspen to get used to it...

1 comment:

  1. Ha! The sideline coaching from mommy! Good job on your blog, Brooke, aren't they fun! Loved the video of Presley...omg..how funny.

    Love Aunt Robin, P.S. Tell Coy he doesn't know how lucky he is to have 3 girls....
