Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend Recap Part I

BREAKING NEWS: My In-Laws actually watched our children overnight!  Woah! Hence the need for Weekend Recap Part I and tomorrow I will post Part II.  Coy and I typically have two nights a year away from the children.  One night with his parents and one night with mine (active Grandparenting at it's finest.)   When we drop the children off, the conversation between Coy and I is hilarious!  We usually start off by saying we could fly to Fiji or drive to Las Vegas and then it turns more practical suggesting maybe we should just clean the house or mow the yard.   Once we level out our excitement, we tend to settle on a nice restaurant that is worth the splurge! If you are in the "splurge" mood, I recommend Clarks.   They have only six tables inside so it is very necessary that you make reservations but they offer open seating at the inside bar and outside patio.  It is small, special and high class.  It reminds me of a yacht club only it is located on West 6th street instead of the water.  The sea food they offer is out-of-this-world delicious. It is a wonderful place to spend a relaxing, early evening.


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