Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Recap Part I

Honestly, helping the girls get ready for their dance competitions is one of my most favorite things about this life.  It is fun, it is girly, it is exciting and it is something I vividly remember about my very own childhood.  I often feel like my one-on-one time with the girls is very limited, simply because there are three of them. So this short personal time I was able to spend with Aspen this weekend was priceless.  I encourage all the dance-moms out there to look at the "getting ready" time in this sweet way.  On numerous occasions, I have experienced personally or witnessed the vicious cycle of the stressed out mother desperately trying to get her overly anxious daughter ready for a routine.  Right about that time is when the mother starts yelling and the daughter starts crying!  It usually ends ugly and that is one memory you wish you didn't have.  We do get testy with each other from time to time but the more I remain calm the more FUN she has.  This past weekend was so enjoyable for the two of us and I am so grateful to have caught it all on camera.  A memory I will never forget!

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