Thursday, March 7, 2013

85th Annual Austin Kite Festival

85 years!?!?  That sounds crazy!  We have only been enjoying the festival for the past two years and we LOVE it.  It is crowded, there are crazy people everywhere but it is all worth it when you feel the warm spring air wrap around you and look into an Austin sky full of beautiful kites.  It's almost overwhelmingly joyful.
Below is a list of what to expect at a kite fest...

#1 They get tangled and mangled so DO NOT bring a kite over $5
#2  inevitably your children will get their kite in the air only to have it crash land onto the people picnicking in front of you!  

#3  Small children NEVER get their kites into the air...
#4  This is what it looks like when your husband decides to buy the $20 kite for himself,  only to have the children beg to hold onto it when he gets it flying high into the air.  Next, he will feel guilty saying "No, this is my kite" and gives the handle to the small children.  Only then he will realize he forgot to mention to "HOLD ON TO THE HANDLE!"  Then the kite will fly off to neverland with a crazy man running behind it to never catch up with it.

So sorry Daddy.
#5  Don't worry, be happy!

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