Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week Recap Part I (The Camper)

In the future, my daughters will not be sitting around talking about all of their lavish spring break trips skiing in Colorado or surfing in California or spending time with Mickey Mouse in Florida but they will be able to share about their simple, fun, family, camping trips in Port Aransas, Texas.

 We like to stay at a place called Gulf Waters.  During spring break most of the campers are retired snow-birds that have been camping away from their cold states since October.  Things really started to shake up when our three kids rolled into town!  Everyone seemed to enjoy seeing our youthful daughters with all of their excitement and endless energy.  The girls got up with the sun and went down with it as well.  They played games, rode bikes and got cozy in our camper.

It was so nice not to be on any schedule.

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