Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

I think I can speak for everyone when I say, March was extremely busy!  Of course, then there is that Pinterest note that keeps popping up from everyone pinning it saying "Stop the glorification of busy!"  I get it, I almost pinned it myself but seriously...sometimes we all get into these moments, weekends, months where life is happening SO FAST and you are expected to divide yourself yet there is only one of you.  I HATE those times and I always try to blame it on my lack of being prepared but I supposed to start preparing for Halloween 2013 now?  I'm not going to lie, that thought actually crossed my mind.  It didn't cross my mind because I am an overly prepared person...well, maybe but I enjoy being prepared because I LOVE being able to live in the moment and without being prepared, you are just living in the glory of busy. This particular Easter was busy but so worth it because as you can tell from the pics, it was so joyful!

I realize Coy and I look like the people that carried a pitch fork in the old pictures but give us a this point we had already been through the night hunt, the 7am morning hunt, picked up the yard from the silly-string fight, dressed and fed the girls AND arrived at church on time!  This pictures was taken after the service, BEFORE the mimosas and that is why we look like we don't really like each other!

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