Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My girl is growing up

This is the daughter that made me a mother for the very first time.  My baby is growing up.  We have the most wonderful conversations about how she views her world and she often asks me to recall stories about my childhood.  I love it when she does that.  It always brings me right back to third grade and although I can't remember my teachers name, I have a vivid memory of what she looked like.  She had long black hair, she was creative, fun to be around and very nice.  I recall standing in line waiting to go to the cafeteria.  I recall sitting one on one with her as she helped me write a story.  I only have a hand full of memories and it kind of makes me sad to think that Aspen might not remember all these moments that I hold on to so dearly about her third grade.  I hope these pictures help.

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