Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Summer Setting Sun

I really can't believe I just had to pack school lunches, set out clothes, fill backpacks and put the girls to sleep at 8:30pm.  I have never had this much anxiety about sending the kids back to school before.  It's unbelievable!  I am sick to my stomach about the Monday alarm going off tomorrow.  I feel like it was just yesterday that I was begging for summer to get here and now, it's about to start all over again.  Sigh...I really need to find peace and get positive.

I have really enjoyed all the humor out there from those witty-mamas that are just laying it all out on the line about how the fun has been had and now it is time for the kids to go back to school!  It cracks me up.  There was a time when schedule and routine was very necessary for my children's survival, simply because I was on the verge of killing them.  We have had a few of those moments this summer.  The moments where I have seriously considered leaving them on the side of the road but not as many as in the past.  I feel as though times are changing for us.  They are getting older and I want them to stay younger.  They want to run and I want to hold on to them.  They can't wait to start first and fourth grade and I just want summer 2013 to last forever.

Hopefully...hopefully, tomorrow I will be just as excited for the future as they are.

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