Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Recap Part I husband didn't exactly put on his college baseball uniform this past weekend (I just couldn't resist posting a few pics from the good 'ol days) but we did however spend an evening with 
Texas State Baseball Alumni at their annual Diamond Club Dinner.

Coy and I feel so blessed to have been able to turn our high school passions into college careers.  We are so fortunate to have been apart of two very amazing organizations.  Coy was a Texas State baseball player and I was a Kilgore College Rangerette.  We will be able to visit the Rangerettes later this year but this past weekend was spent supporting the Bobcat Baseball Team.  There were 700+ in attendance, all past and current players with family, friends, girlfriends and wives.  It was so much fun remembering Coy's baseball games, his teammates and what it was like for us back then.  We married in December before his Senior season and so much of our early marriage was spent at the baseball field.  Coy was often made fun of by his teammates for being the "Old Married Man!" 

2002 Team Captains.  *They still got it!

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