Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekend Recap Part II

Hands down, the BEST ice cream shoppe around town is...
Amy's Ice Cream in Austin, Texas is a funky, eclectic and yummy shoppe for all kinds!  It is well known for hiring ONLY creative, artistic and happy hippies that need to make ends meet.  I remember in high school asking for an application and in return was given a brown paper sac.  The only instructions were to create something with the paper sac and return in 24 hours.  Brilliant! 
They serve odd-nammed yet delicious homemade ice cream and offer a wide variety of "mix-ins" The mouth watering combinations are endless and most Austin peeps have their own personal favorites... i'm not kidding, just ask your Austin neighbors and every single one will freak out and give you their top three favs in one breath! 
1. Sweet Cream with Junior Mints
2. Dutch Chocolate with Strawberries
3. Mexican Chocolate with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 

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