Friday, June 14, 2013

The Secret Garden

It's hysterical, really!
We live in THE MOST suburban, picket fence, desperate house-wife, neighborhood you could ever imagine and home-grown, country husband has managed to plant himself quite the bustling garden.  Go figure?!
I do believe it all came about when he had his "shock-in-awe" come to grips with it, moment when he realized how much I was spending on groceries from Whole Foods Market.

"By God, watch me plant my own Whole Foods!"  - Coy L.

I laughed (such a city girl) as I watched him dig up, fence in, plant and till this small space in our back yard.  Three years later...such an amazing garden.  We love it.  We share it with friends and neighbors.  My own family can't wait to receive their bounty and my girls love every bit of it!  Just simply because we grow it, they eat it...or at least will give it a try!

Apparently you can grow a garden inside, in a garage, in the smallest space known to man kind and I highly suggest you give it a try! It's been one of the most simple and gratifying experiences of my life.

Cooking Dinner
My daily loot
His peppers
Simple joy.  Simple beauty.

A homemade purse
Simply beautiful 

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