Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Day Dreamer

Don't worry about other people making fun of you for being a day dreamer sweet baby girl. Relax...dream a bigger dream for yourself.  You make the world a better place because of your heart.   
Image01_zps62f4857c photo Image01_zps62f4857c.jpg

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weekend Recap Part II

Hands down, the BEST ice cream shoppe around town is...
Amy's Ice Cream in Austin, Texas is a funky, eclectic and yummy shoppe for all kinds!  It is well known for hiring ONLY creative, artistic and happy hippies that need to make ends meet.  I remember in high school asking for an application and in return was given a brown paper sac.  The only instructions were to create something with the paper sac and return in 24 hours.  Brilliant! 
They serve odd-nammed yet delicious homemade ice cream and offer a wide variety of "mix-ins" The mouth watering combinations are endless and most Austin peeps have their own personal favorites... i'm not kidding, just ask your Austin neighbors and every single one will freak out and give you their top three favs in one breath! 
1. Sweet Cream with Junior Mints
2. Dutch Chocolate with Strawberries
3. Mexican Chocolate with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend Recap Part I husband didn't exactly put on his college baseball uniform this past weekend (I just couldn't resist posting a few pics from the good 'ol days) but we did however spend an evening with 
Texas State Baseball Alumni at their annual Diamond Club Dinner.

Coy and I feel so blessed to have been able to turn our high school passions into college careers.  We are so fortunate to have been apart of two very amazing organizations.  Coy was a Texas State baseball player and I was a Kilgore College Rangerette.  We will be able to visit the Rangerettes later this year but this past weekend was spent supporting the Bobcat Baseball Team.  There were 700+ in attendance, all past and current players with family, friends, girlfriends and wives.  It was so much fun remembering Coy's baseball games, his teammates and what it was like for us back then.  We married in December before his Senior season and so much of our early marriage was spent at the baseball field.  Coy was often made fun of by his teammates for being the "Old Married Man!" 

2002 Team Captains.  *They still got it!

Friday, January 25, 2013

foto friday

Busy little ladies

Homeschool Ballet Class
Horseback Riding Lessons

Piano Lessons

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Into the Woods

In Wimberley, Texas.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What are you doing...

In the middle of January?

because this is what we are doing!

True story.  It is in the 70's in Austin, Texas right now!  Bright sun, blue sky and just a hint of spring in the air. I love it!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Weekend Recap Part II

If you are interested in a FUNKY vibe and a Charlie Chaplin atmosphere, get your people-watching goggles on and head down to The Eastside Showroom.  This place was oozing cool and not just from the decor.  The waiters and work staff all dress the part.  Even the majority of the customers came in their silent film era attire.  We had the BEST time and the BEST part was that most of the delicious entrees were $14.00!    

I love watching people who truly love their job.
 This kind guy was a performer and a perfectionist!

My 89 year old Nana has always loved to drink her champagne from these types of glasses.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Weekend Recap Part I

BREAKING NEWS: My In-Laws actually watched our children overnight!  Woah! Hence the need for Weekend Recap Part I and tomorrow I will post Part II.  Coy and I typically have two nights a year away from the children.  One night with his parents and one night with mine (active Grandparenting at it's finest.)   When we drop the children off, the conversation between Coy and I is hilarious!  We usually start off by saying we could fly to Fiji or drive to Las Vegas and then it turns more practical suggesting maybe we should just clean the house or mow the yard.   Once we level out our excitement, we tend to settle on a nice restaurant that is worth the splurge! If you are in the "splurge" mood, I recommend Clarks.   They have only six tables inside so it is very necessary that you make reservations but they offer open seating at the inside bar and outside patio.  It is small, special and high class.  It reminds me of a yacht club only it is located on West 6th street instead of the water.  The sea food they offer is out-of-this-world delicious. It is a wonderful place to spend a relaxing, early evening.


Friday, January 18, 2013

foto friday

 I hope you have a fantastic weekend!  Please get out and enjoy your life.  Let go of all the mess, the "to do" list, the worry, the stress of everyday, revel in things that are simple and don't cost money,  exercise, sleep in, finish the laundry, enjoy a glass of wine ( don't if you are not into that kind of thing) listen to music and relax.

Favorite Song of the Day:

The Civil Wars
Billie Jean (Live)
Unplugged on VH1

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Not as easy as it looks...

Good try Pey!  It is not as easy as it looks.  Honestly if I would have handed the camera to my husband, he would have taken about the same quality picture as the three year old.  It takes a lot of work and a lot of knowledge to work a real camera!

* Thanks to her I now have about 100 interesting pictures of my bedroom.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oh, the life of a bath toy...

p.s. Yes, they wear swim goggles when they take a bath.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

For the LOVE of horses...

Down here in the Texas hill country, you can drive down any road to ease your mind. You can roll the windows down and take in the fresh air.  Sometimes, if you have three little girls in the back seat...they demand you stop the car so they can pet the horses from the side of the road.

And you meet their demands...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Recap

Just because I have the flu does NOT mean I didn't get out of bed this weekend.  I am a mother for crying out loud!  I was on my feet more than I was laying around.  I think I have the weird flu, even the nurse was shocked that the test came back positive with absolutely NO fever or chills.  I was kind of pissed that my appetite didn't subside...just a little.  I'm just saying, swimsuit season will be here before we know it.  
None the less, I did NOT want my daughters to get this nasty bug so off to the pediatrician we went.  We really should have video taped this hot mess!  What was I thinking...scheduling all three shots (of course because they are now out of the flu mist) at the same time?  Who do you pick to go first?  Who do you pick to go last?  What does it really matter when they all start screaming and running around like their hair is on fire?  Let me tell you what you do...
1.  You lock the door to the room and only let the nurse in.
2.  You put your game face on and tell them it really is not that big of a deal (no time for sappy when you have three shots to go!)
3.  You promise ice cream for lunch! 
The Buda Soda Fountain is very special.  
It is just a few doors down from Pediatric Junction and also is a pharmacy.  
With all my babies, after their appointments we would walk down to pick up their meds (if needed) and receive their "promised" banana split.  I love the nostalgia!    

    I couldn't resist getting a quick pic of those AWESOME
    leg warmers... TOO CUTE! My little bug is always in

Off to Lamar street we went because I was about to fall down from exhaustion and if you are SICK and TIRED there is only ONE place to go...The Soup Peddler.  I will admit this place is a little pricy but if you only get sick every once in a while this is the cure all.  I also love to bring this gift of greatness to family and friends that our feeling under the weather.

By Sunday the wind had been put back in my sails!  Our little fam loves brunch and I decided to try out a place we have never been before.  Lamberts is known for their delicious home cooked brunch and it really lived up to all the hype!  I did receive the "Are you kidding me?" eyes not only from the other customers (as suspected when you walk into a dining establishment with three kids) but also from the hostess and wait staff.  That gave me a bad taste in my mouth and I was little disappointed but my sweet girls proved them all wrong!

 *Disclaimer: My girls haven't always behaved well in public!  Notice Pey in her stellar pic performance?  Now take a look at the other two.  It's all about the consistent picture training people!  I will get them far in their sorority life. hehe!  Peyton... Mamas coming after you BABY!  Give me another year and you will be posing to the left shoulder!  

 Side note:  Coy and I ordered off the main menu however the girls just split three sides and that was perfect for them.  They do not offer a children's menu.