Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy Birthday to me

This past year was just as good as the year before that and the year before that and I feel like I could go on and on because honestly for me, every year past 31 has been really good.  So it leads me to believe that the 30's are way better than the 20's.  Or maybe that is because a lot of shit happened when I was 30 and it really opened my eyes to finding the positive in every breath I take.  Or maybe I feel this way about my 30's because every single year of my 20's something life changing happened...just the thought of it makes me exhausted.  I am so glad to be past my 20's and enjoying every wonderful year after another in my 30's.  My fear is that it won't stay on the up and up forever, bummer!  But thats life...or maybe if I just continue to keep a positive outlook about everything, the good and the bad, then every year will continue to get better and better?

I'll let you know how good this 34th year turns out to be next year.

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